

From Stop-Start Training to Calm, Continuous Skills Development

Successful organisations that run with lower overall stress levels understand that part of the secret is keeping skills and knowledge current. As the needs of the business and its clients evolve, the capabilities of the team stay ahead of the changes. There are no emergency skills gaps to fill.

These organisations manage to maintain regular, continuous, high quality staff development even when beset by constant change and operational pressures (in other words, the normal life of a care business).

How do they do it?

The question for many care businesses is how to prevent day-to-day management pressures from creating a stop-start culture of training and development. This is a familiar scenario where management teams react when skills gaps become critical but find it hard to maintain momentum. There are so many other things to take care of and so many competing demands for their time.

The route from stop-start to consistent skills development lies in adopting digital training tools and systems that make everything easier.

Assessing Training Needs is Easy

When you can quickly see who on the team has completed which training courses, where you have gaps, and where knowledge or certifications need to be updated you can instantly identify training needs. With digital technology you can do this without wading through spreadsheets or paper files.

Updating Skills is Easy

A digital training solution like eBox makes interactive, high quality training accessible. It can be completed by staff when it’s most convenient and with minimum disruption to care delivery.

Tracking is Easy

With eBox e-learning you can instantly see which training modules have been completed and track certification. You don’t need to chase anyone for information – it’s all there at your fingertips.

Redcrier’s online learning platform is a simpler and more convenient way to manage and deliver essential staff training. And when you know this vital aspect of running a care business is fully under control you have more time to focus on other priorities.

Contact Redcrier on 01823 332200 or info@redcrier.com.

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