

From Stress to Success: Your Tools for Creating a Supportive Workplace Culture

Lettered dice spell out Stressful and Stress Free

Coping with stress in the workplace is an important issue. But what happens in the workplace is far from being the whole picture. Stress can come from many sources. Whatever the origin, it can affect how well teams function, and how they support each other and people who need care.

So learning how to recognise the signs and sources of stress and anxiety, and how to cope better, are essential skills. Perhaps Stress Awareness Month is a good opportunity to refocus attention in this vital area. The theme #LittleByLittle highlights the transformative impact of consistent, small positive actions on overall wellbeing.

Really effective Care Managers support their staff and recognise the benefit of a calmer, more harmonious working environment.

We’ve listed some courses below that you and your team should find helpful. The courses that are directed more at clients in care also include skills that can be applied at home or in staff and management interactions.

Collectively they help to build an environment where people understand root causes and triggers and can intervene in the right way to defuse potentially stressful situations. The net result is that clients enjoy better support. 

Some courses that focus on workplace wellbeing:

Your Wellbeing at Work gives a good overview of factors that help improve wellbeing in the workplace and helps people identify what causes workplace stress.

Promoting Wellbeing at Work looks at the many positive actions you can take to improve wellbeing at your place of work.

General mental health awareness:

Mental Health First Aid aims to build greater awareness of mental health issues: typical causes and how to respond positively if you’re concerned about someone.

Mental Health Matters takes this a stage further and also looks at some of the legislation relating to mental health.

Specific causes of poor mental health:

Anxiety is normal, up to a point. Knowing how to spot anxiety levels that go beyond normal and how to help are vital skills for modern managers.

Depression is another common mental health condition. It helps if you can spot the signs and know how to intervene sensitively and effectively.

Bullying can affect people of any age. It can happen in the workplace and online. This course helps with spotting the signs and providing the right support for people being bullied.

A healthy work environment:

Conflict Management is about engendering a workplace where issues and disagreements are dealt with appropriately so that conflicts never escalate.

Coping With Aggression in the Workplace helps you deal effectively with aggressive behaviour and keep people safe (a fundamental need for maintaining good mental health).

Finally, a healthy workplace, where people are less stressed or anxious is one where they feel they have the Freedom to Speak Up. We have a course for that too.

So, if Stress Awareness Month has prompted you to think about training for you or your team, talk to Redcrier. Educating your staff on wellbeing and resilience will not only support your team – it will lay the foundations to providing exemplary client care.

Book a demo today: eBox – user friendly eLearning from Redcrier or contact us for more information.
Call us on 01823 332200 or email info@redcrier.com

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