Positive Risk Taking In Practice
Course Aim
This is a workshop style course allowing your staff to explore best practice around your current policies and procedures with regard to positive risk taking. It allows you to explore how to balance allowing clients to make their own choices with your duty of care. The course content has been designed to be delivered in 1 – 1.5 hours however we have the ability to be slightly flexible with finish times to make sure all relevant content is covered. The session is designed for (up to) 9 candidates, Call us today to book your workshop course with Redcrier 01823 330022.

Course content
What is meant by ‘risk’
What positive risk-taking is.
Look at what you are already doing.
What more could be done to promote positive risk-taking in your care setting.
What to do if positive risks cause harm.
learning outcomes
Understand Positive Risk Taking
delivery styles
This course can help you to
reduce risks
improve care
help others
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