
Care Certificate Assessment

Our Care Certificate Assessment sheet has been designed to simplify the visual assessment within the Care Certificate.

All the criteria has been mapped to the Care Certificate. On the reverse of the form you will find a list of all the criteria that can be visually assessed in one easily accessible area to streamline the process and increase efficiency, therefore helping the assessment process to be completed in the proposed 12 week period. 

This assessment sheet will help assessors to:

  • Visualise all 48 criteria that can be visually assessed
  • Create an audit trail to add to the learners Care Certificate
  • Map criteria through to the Care Certificate
  • Allows for assessments to take place holistically, giving a truer review of learners abilities
  • Fully editable PDF allowing for either electronic or hard copy use

For more information on the Care Certificate or any aspect of your staff training, please contact Redcrier on 01823 332200 or info@redcrier.com

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