

A Memory of a Walk

Earlier in the year, a humble team of Redcrier colleagues (including one honorary colleague) signed up to complete a charity walk for Alzheimer’s Society. The walk was planned along the South Devon Coast, and we were determined to enter the walk, cross the finish line and in doing so raise awareness and funds for a great charity. As usual with these types of things, it was all very exciting to begin with, lots of colleagues put their names down and then slowly other commitments and life admin dwindled our team of Trekkers down to 5 (including the honorary colleague). 2 of the 5 made the very wise decision to opt for the 13-mile route, whilst in a moment of madness, which we couldn’t back out of, the remaining Trekkers opted for a route of 26 miles.  

So, the prep began and some of us committed to the training schedule and some of us ate pizza and muttered the words ‘mañana’. We started to ask for donations as it was one of those events where you must raise a certain amount to be eligible. At the beginning I think we all were concerned that we would struggle to reach the minimum amount of donations. But thanks to support from our suppliers, customers, family and friends we are very proud of completing the walk and raising a considerable amount of money. The thought of our donations funding towards possible cures or helping people currently suffering with Dementia is a wonderful thought.

Saturday 9th of September 2023 rolled around, and we find ourselves in a dark foggy field at 6am, somewhere just a little west of Brixham in Devon. It was a very emotive atmosphere as people from all over had gathered to pay tribute to lost loved ones, support people living with Dementia and to embark on what turned out to be an unforgettable adventure. A klaxon sounds and off we go. The fog clears, the Sun comes up, the gorgeous scenery unveils itself and the temperature rises. And rises and rises. It turned out to be the hottest day of the year. We were reliably informed that we had been clambering over the undulating coast path in temperatures reaching 31 degrees, it was intense to say the least. The combination of the distance, the heat and THE HILLS made the day very challenging. During our walk we heard comments such as “Ive just completed a trek in the Sahara, and this South Devon Coast event is harder” and…. “I’m a mountain runner and this South Devon Coast route is particularly challenging”. I don’t think any of us really gave the idea of giving up head room, but there were moments far less enjoyable than others. 

The scenery was stunning. We saw some amazing wildlife, including a few sensational Seals, showing off and waving their tails as we walked by. People going about their normal daily activity were full of positive comments and praise, even offering donations as we passed through more populated areas. The human spirit and camaraderie on display was something never to be forgotten. The support offered between the walkers was amazing and helped some people to keep going when in other circumstance they may have conceded. So even the combination of the distance, the heat and the hills, ultimately the positivity endured. 

We wanted to thank everyone who supported us and the Alzheimer’s Society Events team, who surpassed themselves. The event was extremely well organised and all of the staff and volunteers were working hard on the day and some had extremely long shifts. In total we raised £2263.00, which makes us very proud of what we have achieved and grateful for those who supported us. If you would like to add a donation there is still time via our JustGiving page.

Thanks Once Again!

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