
Mandatory Training Might Not Mean What You Think It Does

We sometimes get asked by a care provider to ‘just cover mandatory training.’ Here’s how we typically respond.

First off, we’d explore what mandatory training means. Providers sometimes don’t have a list of specific courses in mind that they need to cover. So we refer to this framework, which is an easy-to-follow summary of the guidance from Skills for Care. It also shows how often the training needs to be refreshed.

The scope of mandatory training is generally wider than most managers anticipate. Safeguarding children is one that often comes as a surprise. But when you think about it, there are good reasons for it being included.

What ‘Mandatory’ Means

Is that it? Well, no, and here’s why. On the last page of the Skills for Care Core and Mandatory list it refers to ‘Specific Conditions.’

What this means is that if someone in your care has a condition, then supporting staff need to know about that condition. So training to become competent in that area becomes mandatory.

Training Brings Opportunity

Let’s turn this around and look at the mandatory training issue a different way. The broader the range of competencies you have within your team, the more conditions you can care for while meeting the expanded definition of mandatory training.

We know that population ageing brings a wider range of conditions and a sliding scale of acuity into the remit of care providers. One option to improve the quality of care delivered by your team, therefore positioning yourself ahead other care providers, would be to offer a wider range of specific competencies.

This doesn’t just make your care business more attractive than the competition, it also provides a safe and assured alternative to care from a relative or unpaid carer.

Needs-Driven Training

Going ‘beyond the minimum’ tends to be the outlook adopted by outstanding care providers. They base their training requirements around the needs of people who are likely to need their support, rather than some theoretical baseline.

Arthritis Awareness, Cancer Awareness and Multiple Sclerosis have been added to the Redcrier portfolio and fit the broader definition of mandatory training. They address conditions that many providers encounter and where competency is expected. 

All of which underlines how training plans that add value to your business are always more sophisticated than simply covering the basics, and why a more detailed and informed conversation is helpful.

To start your conversation, call Redcrier on 01823 332200

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