
Improve Staff Performance

Investing in your staff will make them feel more highly valued as well as help them realise the importance of achieving higher standards of care and efficiency for your business. Research shows that a structured training programme improves staff performance by 70%.

CQC ratings are part of the external message your company portrays and therefore will have a direct correlation with waiting lists, bed occupancy and profits. Investing in the abilities of your staff to carry out day to day functions with a view of the wider aims and ethos of the organisation will encourage standards to rise and create more time for managers as supervision requirements reduce.

Reducing the risks of accidents and litigation will protect the reputation of the organisation. Numerous care providers have received legal and financial penalties due to a medication error or simple mistakes that could have been avoided. Well trained and confident staff will be more aware within the work place and will identify areas of risk and therefore reduce the likelihood of accidents. Dedicated and attentive staff will create a greater audit trail and drive innovative ideas throughout the business.

As well as impacting on the user experience, 40% of employees who receive poor job training leave their positions within the first year. They cite the lack of skills training and development as the principal reason for moving on, which means that the time and resources invested in that individual are not giving you a return and you will have to re-invest in a replacement member of staff.

With investment in their personal development, members of staff are more likely to dedicate themselves to a friendly safe working environment and have a greater sense of job satisfaction, both of which can help to improve staff retention levels. Reducing the cost, both in terms of cost of recruitment, but also in starting with a lesser skilled workforce each time.

A planned approach to staff training can have a number of benefits. Training can make your staff feel more valued and open their minds to a career in care through personal and professional development.