Wheelchair Safety

Wheelchair Safety

Course Aim

This course is aimed at people who assist wheelchair users. The focus of the course is to provide learners with the practical skills to safely use a wheelchair, check for faults and carry out a TILEE risk assessment. The course enables learners to assess wheelchair users and the surrounding environment as well as how to use the wheelchair correctly so that you can assist and support your clients safely.

Wheelchair safety

Course content

Why wheelchair safety is important.
Legislation affecting wheelchair safety.
Types of wheelchair, and the checks needed.
Principles of efficient movement when operating a wheelchair.
The effects of improper use, and how to use a wheelchair safely.
Risk assessment when using a wheelchair.

learning outcomes

Recognise legislation relating to wheelchairs.
Identify pre-user checks.
Identify the principles of movement.
Understand TILEE risk assessment.
Recognise safety in the use of wheelchairs.

delivery styles

Silver Box eBox Face to Face
This course can help you to reduce risks improve care help others ...

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