Safeguarding Advanced
Course Aim
This course aims to provide the learner with a greater insight into what happens after a safeguarding alert has been raised and the roles and responsibilities of all those involved. It also looks at some of the steps organisations can take, to protect themselves from the potential of allegations of neglect or acts of omission.

Course content
Regulatory guidance and legislation.
What is safeguarding, the key principles.
Mental capacity act and safeguarding.
Safeguarding framework.
Roles and responsibilities in safeguarding.
Safeguarding adults boards.
Investigation process.
Information sharing and Data Protection.
Management of serious incidents.
Preventing safeguarding issues.
learning outcomes
Understand the relevant legislation that underpins safeguarding activities.
Be aware of the safeguarding process.
Know how to respond to safeguarding alerts and referrals.
Effectively respond to neglect and abuse of individuals at risk.
Be aware of how to achieve good prevention outcomes.
delivery styles
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