Recruitment and Retention

Recruitment and Retention

Course Aim

Promoting health, safety and welfare in our organisations is paramount. We have a duty of care to ensure that we have followed a fair but thorough recruitment process that meets both legislation and registration requirements. Providing a robust induction and ongoing support enables retention. Not following safer recruitment processes can have consequences including safeguarding issues, poor retention and even prosecution and legal action.

Course Content

Understanding your responsibilities.
Preparing for safer recruitment.
Regulation requirements.
Advertising and application packs.
Selection process.
Obtaining references.
Completing checks.
Staff retention.

Learning Outcomes

Understand your responsibilities in Safer Recruitment.
Identify the principles and implementation of safer recruitment.
Recognise how safer recruitment contributes to safeguarding.
Know the benefits and risks associated with interviews and checks.
Identify strategies for retaining staff.
Recognise the benefits of maintaining a safe culture.

delivery styles

Silver Box eBox

Linked Content

Due to the holistic nature of care, there are several courses that would complement ‘person centred approach’ alongside this course. Have you considered supporting your staff in the following subjects:

This course can help you to reduce risks improve care help others ...

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