

Course Aim

Promoting independence is a core value in the health and social care sector, it improves self esteem, reduces dependency on others and improves long term outcomes. A set back such as a long stay in hospital, an injury from a fall or deterioration in a health event such as a stroke may require a reablement programme to restore previous skills or relearn them in a new way. Maintaining those relearned or new skills after the reablement programme then becomes part of the promoting indepence plan for that individual


Course Content

What is independence and why is it important.
Ways to promote independence.
Continuing the reablement process.
Managing risk.

Learning Outcomes

Understand what Independence is and why it is important.
Understand your role in promoting independence.
Identify ways someones independence can be promoted.
Know how a reablement service can support someone.

delivery styles

Silver Box eBox

Linked Content

Due to the holistic nature of care, there are several courses that would complement ‘person centred approach’ alongside this course. Have you considered supporting your staff in the following subjects:

This course can help you to reduce risks improve care help others ...

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