Moving People Safely for Mentors/Tutors

Moving People Safely (Mentors and Tutors)

Course Aim

This course is aimed at people who are competent in moving and handling people and have been identified by their manager as being a suitable candidate to pass on their skills to others. This course will show them how to pass on their practical skills and learned techniques to enable others to become competent. It will not be teaching them the techniques as it will be assumed they are already using them in there workplace. Maximum of 6 participants per course.

Senior patient gets up from the hospital bed by helping himself with a special handle

Course content

A demonstration of how the distance learning manual works to complement the practical.
Look at learning styles.
Supporting the use of risk assessment (T.I.L.E.E).
Demonstrating Principles of movement.
Imparting practical skills.
Demonstrating Principles of hoisting.
Devising an individual learning plan.

learning outcomes

Understand how the distance learning manual works.
Understand the importance of individual learning styles.
Support others to carry out risk assessments (TILEE).
Support others to recognise and use principles of movement.
Support others to carry out transfers using handling equipment.
Support others to carry out transfers without handling equipment.
Support others to gain an understanding of the principles of hoisting.
Support others to prepare an individual for transfer using a sling.
Know what to include in an individual learning plan.

delivery styles

Face to Face

Linked Content

Due to the holistic nature of care, there are other Redcrier courses that would complement this course.
Have you considered supporting your staff in the following subjects:

This course can help you to reduce risks improve care help others ...

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