Mental Capacity Act Advanced

Mental Capacity Act Advanced

Course Aim

This training is aimed at those whose job role requires them to have a clear understanding of how the Mental Capacity Act works in different situations and who needs to be involved. It is intended to be a follow on, to our Mental Capacity Act 2005 and DoLS training.

Mental Capacity Act Advanced

Course Content

Mental Capacity Act and the Code of Practice
Complex decision making
Relevant Others
Safeguarding matters
Factors that may influence capacity
Mental Capacity and the Mental Health Act
Role of the Mental Capacity Act for individuals aged 16 and 17

Learning Outcomes

Understand how the Mental Capacity Act works and the role of the Code of Practice
Identify issues that may involve complex decision making
Identify relevant others who may need to be consulted
Recognise safeguarding issues associated with lack of capacity
Identify factors that may influence an individual’s capacity

delivery styles

Silver Box eBox

Linked Content

Due to the holistic nature of care, there are several courses that would complement ‘person centred approach’ alongside this course. Have you considered supporting your staff in the following subjects:

This course can help you to reduce risks improve care help others ...

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