Legionella Awareness
Course Aim
Legionella is a bacterium which causes Legionellosis, a collective term for illnesses which include Legionnaires’ Disease, a potentially fatal form of pneumonia and Pontiac Fever, a mild flu-like illness. Although the bacteria are common, in low numbers, in natural water sources, outbreaks of the illness are more common where the bacteria have grown in purpose built water systems. Awareness of the illnesses and how they are transmitted can support us in reducing the risk to people we support. Control of legionella risk is a requirement of registration with the relevant inspectorate for care services.

Course content
Risk factors and transmission.
Health and safety legislation.
Symptoms and treatment of Legionnaires disease.
Symptoms and treatment of Pontiac fever.
Control measures.
Record keeping.
learning outcomes
Understand what Legionella is.
Understand the risk factors and how it is transmitted.
Identify symptoms and treatments for Legionnaires’ Disease and Pontiac fever.
Understand the risk assessment process.
Identify common control measures to reduce the risk.
delivery styles
This course can help you to
reduce risks
improve care
help others
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