Information Governance
Course Aim
Handling information is a big part of your role. It is also a big responsibility as much of the information will be confidential. We now have more ways to communicate than ever before including social media and mobile devices such as mobile phones and laptops. Although this makes it easier to share things with many people quickly, it also means that there is more chance of information being sent to the wrong people by mistake.
Breaches of confidentiality are very serious in any workplace, so it is important that you know what your workplace policies are regarding storage, use, disposal and sharing of information.
This training course will help you to understand relevant legislation, such as Data Protection including GDPR, and the Protection of Freedom act. It will also look at confidentiality and sharing information, as well as the need to ensure records are clear and up to date.

Course content
Why do we need agreed ways of working?
Relevant Legislation.
What is meant by secure systems.
Safeguarding personal information.
Data protection and GDPR.
Recording information clearly.
learning outcomes
Understand the need for agreed ways of working.
Identify relevant legislation.
Understand confidentiality and when to share information.
Recognise data protection principles.
Identify the need for clear recording.
Know how to report concerns about the recording storage and sharing of information.
delivery styles
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