Infection Control in Practice

Infection Control in Practice

Workshop Aim

This is a facilitated, workshop style, course allowing your staff to explore best practice around your current policies and procedures for infection control. It allows you to explore how your procedures work in practice. The course content has been designed to be delivered in 1-1.5 hours, however we have the ability to be slightly flexible with finish times to make sure all relevant content is covered. The session is designed for (up to) 9 candidates. 

Young woman in protective face mask during the Covid-19 or coronavirus pandemic having her temperature monitored on a digital thermometer over a blue studio background

Course content

Prevention and protection from infection for everyone in the workplace.
Preventing spread of infection through safe hygiene practice.
Shielding/isolation and social distancing.
Safe admissions.
Effective PPE use.
Effective testing practice.

learning outcomes

Understand Infection control in practice.

delivery styles

Face to Face
This course can help you to reduce risks improve care help others ...

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