Dementia Awareness

Dementia Awareness

Course Aim

To raise awareness of the different types of dementia and how an individual is affected. To gain an understanding of how clients can be supported using a person centred approach.

high angle view of senior man collecting jigsaw puzzle as dementia rehab

Course content

Types of dementia.
Diagnosing the condition.
Associated behavioural, communication and health problems.
Emphasising best practice.
Promoting independence.

learning outcomes

Identification of the different types of Dementia.
Understand the different factors that make up an individual and how these maybe affected.
Recognise behaviour to avoid when dealing with an adult living with the condition.
Recognise communication difficulties that may occur.
Understand how the person centred approach can enable the carers to be more responsive in the care they provide.

delivery styles

Silver Box eBox Face to Face

Linked Content

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