Basic Emergency Aid (Mentors / Tutors)

Basic Emergency Aid (Mentors and Tutors)

Course Aim

This course is aimed at people who have First Aid experience and wish to pass on their skills to others. This course will show them how to pass on their practical skills and learned techniques to enable others to become competent. The course will support them in understanding methods of learning and creating lesson plans Maximum of 6 participants per course.

Mentors and Tutors course teaches delegates how to train others within your organisation.

Course content

A demonstration of how the distance learning
manual works to complement the practical.

Devising an individual learning plan.
Look at learning styles.

Practical session on how to pass on the skills of:

Initial assessment
Supporting an individual who is choking
Dealing with shock
Dealing with bleeding
Dealing with burns and scalds


learning outcomes

Understand how the Basic Emergency Aid
distance learning manual works.
Understand the different ways people learn.
Be able to devise a learning plan.
Support others to carry out Initial Assessment.
Support others to carry out CPR.
Support others to deal with someone who is choking.
Support others to deal with bleeding.
Support others to understand shock and how to deal with it.
Support others to deal with burns and scalds.

delivery styles

Face to Face

Linked Content

Due to the holistic nature of care, there are several courses that would complement this course.
Have you considered supporting your staff in the following subjects:

This course can help you to reduce risks improve care help others ...

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