Activity Planning
Course Aim
Engaging in purposeful and meaningful activity enhances and enriches our life and the motivation to do it does not generally diminish as we get older.
However the common effects of aging, such as reduced vision and hearing and conditions such as arthritis, dementia and learning disabilities can mean our ability to participate in these activities in the same way as we used to, may be reduced.
In this Activity Planning Manual we aim to help you to plan activities that meet the needs and interests of each individual client.

Course content
Legislation and health and safety issues
Why purposeful activity is important
How activity affects and benefits physical, social and emotional wellbeing
using activities and preventing abuse
The role of staff in the provision of activities
learning outcomes
Identify the legislation affecting provision of activities
Health and safety aspects of activity planning
Understand the importance of activities in day to day routine
Recognise how activities enhance all areas of a clients health and welfare
Recognise the need for person centred activities
delivery styles
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