
Stroke Awareness

Stroke Awareness

Course Aim

This course helps you to understand what stroke is and how to recognise symptoms and seek medical help quickly. The course also covers supporting a person with stroke and how it impacts them.

Senior man after stroke sits in a wheelchair at a nursing home

Course content

The causes and effects of a stroke.
Factors which increase the likelihood of an individual having a stroke.
Factors which reduce the risk of a stroke.
Emergency action to take if you suspect someone is having a stroke.
Supporting an individual living with the effects of a stroke.

learning outcomes

Define what a stroke is and the main causes.
Identify the symptoms of a stroke.
Understand how some strokes can be prevented through lifestyle changes.
Understand the challenges living with a stroke might present.
Recognise the role of the person centred approach in recovery for people living with the effects of a stroke.

delivery styles

Silver Box eBox Face to Face
This course can help you to reduce risks improve care help others ...

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